Industry Profile: The Indian Engineering sector has witnessed remarkable growth over the last few years, driven by increased infrastructure and industrial production investments. The engineering sector, closely associated with the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors, is strategically vital to India’s economy.
India exports its engineering goods mainly to the US and Europe, which account for over 60 percent of the total exports. Engineering exports for FY18 were US$ 76.20 billion as against US$ 65.23 million in the same period the previous year. Exports of electrical machinery and equipment grew at a CAGR of 7.00 percent during FY10-18 to reach US$ 6.7 billion in FY18. The figure stood at US$ 1.28 billion for Apr-May 2018. The electrical equipment industry witnessed a record seven-year high growth of 12.8 percent in 2017-18, on the back of an increase in government spending on rural and household electrification schemes and programs to improve power distribution.
Company profile: The company is India’s most significant engineering and manufacturing enterprise in the energy-related
Shareholding pattern: BSE Data
Financials and Ratios : [table id=152 /]
Futures prospectus: Really, what is the Future prospectus? Bullet train? Japanese companies won most contracts. Engineering contracts for power projects? Where are they? I don’t listen to them. I am aware that this company is a capital good company. Capital expenditure, majorly from Govt is vital for this company. I am not an engineering guy. But still, I can say that financial performance is not looking good.
Challenging Times ahead For BHEL