An essential thing in value investing is Buying Stock with Lower than Intrinsic Value. But as we know, finding intrinsic value is difficult. The same data may give two different inherent values of the company if two various analysts study that. So how to make the Profit from that?
The answer is Margin of safety.
Let’s say, after analysis, you find out that the company’s intrinsic value is $200/ share, and the market price is looking 133/ share. So will you accept it as a buy? Maybe.
In the same situation, if the market price is $190/Share. So will you buy it? No.
The reason is the Margin of safety. Maybe $200 is correct. But it may be 195 or 205 also. The variation depends upon how your analysis was based on any data you studied. It would be best if you also made sufficient Profit from the trade. If you earn, say, less than 7%, then?
In India, while I am writing, It is a Risk-free rate of return AKA Rate on Govt bonds. So After keeping that Margin, you need to keep something more. And that more is nothing but a Margin of safety. How much you need to stay depends on you and the data.
Warren Buffett doesn’t mention it directly. Instead, he makes this Tenet the discount available with the investment.
I don’t want to divert your attention here, but I want to mention something important.
Some companies look like Good opportunities for Value Investing. But they are Not. They are just Value Traps.
You may find them in any Sector which is distressed.
Like metal for a big part of the world for the big time. Banking for some cases. Maybe they are Not the Sector But the company in the Sector. Stock may consolidate the stock if the price is not moving. Like it is a Price tag on that stock with some big discount like 50% or something.
How do we find differences in-between value traps and opportunities?
Simple. In terms of value opportunities, the company is growing in the Real-world. But the market is ignoring due for some reasons. Like Management is changing. Low Stake of the promoter, and that is how someone may overtake. Or the Management maybe not be utilities earning. But that is the only thing.
In that case, it is God’s time to Buy. But if the company shows some Poisonous Assets or significant liabilities on the balance sheet. Then it is a Trap.
This is most important to learn the value trap and opportunities here. I think that is All value investing is all about.